01482 572121 info@towne.co.uk
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Crane hook

Other Services

At Towne lifting we aslo provide a range of other services including Cargo Securing, Dockside Crane and Port Support and Lift Planning and Technical Guidance.

Cargo Securing

We have a rich history in dock work, and we have preserved that knowledge as lashers and securers of large and unusual cargo. We have an experienced team of staff who are able to supply all equipment needed such as, timber, chains, and webbing, and who can plan out the lashing for lifts that are heavy. This also includes welding blockers and/or templates to assure that all equipment is moved safely. Upon completion, we can supply a team to burn off and remove the sea fastenings.

Man using crane

Dockside Crane and Port Support

We are proud to say that one of our most significant partnerships is with ABP Ports, the UK’s leading port company, assisting in changing crane wires for the likes of Gottwald, Liebherr, and Kalmar among others.

Full labour and RAMS are provided which ensures that the wires and crane are in full working order and the project is completed within the agreed time limit.

Lift Planning and Technical Guidance

Planning is something that can take a lot of time, and so Towne can not only help with training, but we can also assist with the lift plans. This has been incredibly well received by our customers as it frees up some of their time.

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